Postpartum Doula Services

What kind of postpartum care is available through Oxomohco?

I have worked hard to put together a package that would work best for myself as a provider and your family.

Please take your time to review the details below: if this is a package you would like to book, please use the link to book a free consultation.

This is the only postpartum package I have available; all other services are available as individual services.

Packages Include

$1,600 - 1 visit to your home per week for six weeks (4 hours per visit) 24-hour package

$3,200 - 2 visits to your home per week for six weeks (4 hours per visit) 48-hour package

Each pricing will give you access to the same services during your home visit. Payment will need to be submitted during our contract signing. A payment plan to meet your family’s needs is available.

The first $500 is non-refundable

This contract must be completed within 3 months.

Postpartum Doula Contract

May I first begin by saying that it is my complete pleasure and honor to serve you and your family in this beautiful postpartum period we call Cuarentena, (40 days after birth). As it is my honor it is also my responsibility to support your family in the best way possible. Having a stable support team for your postpartum period is your right and your responsibility as a birthing person. I will treat your experience with the utmost respect. It is an honor to be of support to you during this journey. Congratulations!

My Role

I am independently employed and hired directly by you and (if applicable) your partner. I am not working for your care provider or hospital. You need to understand that I cannot - and do not - guarantee a specific outcome for your recovery experience. My goal is to support your healing. My role as a doula is to provide physical, emotional, and informational support to your family during the first 40 days after birth. All information you give to me I keep strictly confidential. It is not my place to - and I will not - judge or question your choices. I will hold sacred space for you and your family to have your desired healing experience.


As soon as you have given birth and can communicate with me, please do so. This will allow me the opportunity to prepare for our first in home session.

Postpartum Visits

Your cuarentena is 40 days long which is the first 6 weeks after your birth. During this time, I will be available to support your family. Together we will choose 1 or 2 days out of the week for me to come over and support you and your family. During this time, I will be supporting your healing from your birth experience. I want to ensure you are kept warm, comfortable, relaxed, and rested. We will discuss a recovery plan to ensure your personal needs and wants are met. I will ask about the expectations you have of your partner and myself during your cuarentena, plus the roles of anyone else that will be supporting you in postpartum. The more we explore this in advance, the better I will be able to fulfill my role to support you. It is important to know that each of these visits is family-friendly, this means on my end, not one person needs to leave the room for me to be able to work. All are welcome if the birthing person wants them in the room. We must also respect the birth person's space, so we must set boundaries. Each of my visits will be 4 hours long where I will provide the following services:
❖ Encourage and support in communicating boundaries for family and friends to respect

❖ Support postpartum adjustment by validating what you are feeling at the time

❖ Help you learn and grow into your new role

❖ Provide space to process birth experience individually and as a couple/family.

❖ Help you build confidence in your parenting decisions

❖ Encourage mother-baby bonding

❖ Provide soothing techniques

❖ Assist with newborn care such as diaper changes, bathing, feeding, swaddling, and comforting

❖ Hold your baby while you take a shower or rest

❖ Belly Binding

❖ Womb Massage

❖ Warming Herbal Body Bath

❖ Bone closing at 40 days postpartum

❖ Postpartum Massage

❖ Massage for birth partner

❖ Every visit will include a warm drink: Canela, atole, or hot chocolate.

As a Postpartum Doula, I DO NOT

❖ Perform clinical tasks such as taking blood pressure, fetal heart checks, or vaginal exams.

❖ I do not diagnose.

❖ Make decisions for you.

❖ Babysit, it is not within my scope of practice to care for newborns or other children while parents are not in the home.

❖ I am not a trained medical professional.

❖ I am not responsible for your healing; I can only support you. I cannot guarantee any outcome.


Together we will choose days of the week you would like me to come over and support your family. Each visit will be 4 hours long. If for any reason we need to reschedule after these days have been chosen, we must communicate as soon as possible. Once we have a set time and day: I will arrive at your home, communicate with your partner to let me into the house, greet your family, get your warm drink going and begin my services. I do not offer overnight care. My working hours are from10 am to 7 pm.


There are two package options for you to choose from:

$1,600-1 visit to your home per week for 6 weeks (4 hours per visit) 24-hour package

$3,200-2 visits to your home per week for 6 weeks (4 hours per visit) 48-hour package

Each package will give you access to the same set of services during your home visit. Payment will be received during our contract signing. I am also opened to creating a payment plan to meet your family’s needs. The first $500 are non- refundable.

I do not accept insurance at this time.

Additional Services If you wish to add more massage sessions, you can do so. They will be charged individually and separately from your package price.

Thank you for your consideration.


Birth Doula Services