Birth Doula Services

Many people wonder, what a birth doula package looks like with Oxomohco.

Please take some time to check out the details below. If this is a service you would like to book, you can schedule a free consultation using this link.

I also welcome you to check out the resource page on my website to connect with other local birth workers. You are never obligated to hire the first person you interview; connect with others and find the person that fits your needs.  

Birth Doula Contract

It is my complete pleasure and honor to serve you and your family during such a special time. As it is my honor it is also my responsibility to support your informed decision to birth your baby where you feel is the best choice and how you feel is the best choice. Providing Doula support is so special to me because we, both client and Doula, establish mutual respect and reciprocity within our responsibilities. I will treat your experience with the utmost respect.

My Role

I am independently employed and hired directly by you and your partner. I am not working for your care provider or hospital. It is important to understand that I cannot - and do not - guarantee a specific outcome for your birth. My goal is to help you have a satisfying birth experience as you define it. My role as a doula is to provide physical, emotional, and informational support to families during their labor and postpartum experience. The services I provide; apply to any birth outcome, planned or unplanned. I also encourage communication with the staff at the birthplace to ensure that you have the information needed to make informed decisions regarding your baby’s birth and recovery. All information you give to me I keep strictly confidential. It is not my place to - and I will not - judge or question your choices. I will hold space for you and your family to have your desired birthing experience.

Prenatal Visit

We must meet before the arrival of your baby. This will allow us to explore and discuss your priorities and plan how we will best work together. During the prenatal meetings, we will review your preferences for your birth. We will discuss your expectations of your partner and me. We will also discuss the roles of anyone else that will be attending the birth. The more we explore this in advance, the better we will be able to fulfill our roles. We will meet 4 times before your due date and schedule these meetings after the contract agreement. Each of our visits will be about 2 hours long, where we will cover the following.

  • ❖ Discuss and understand the family’s expectations of one another and myself as your doula.

  • ❖ Create and complete a comprehensive birth plan.

  • ❖ Discuss intervention possibilities and the family’s feelings toward them

  • ❖ Discuss Plan A, B, & C in case of emergency and the family’s wishes on how to proceed

  • ❖ Create clear and open communication with the birthing team to support the birthing experience desired

  • ❖ Demonstrate relaxations techniques

  • ❖ Provide relaxation activities for the family to practice before birth

  • ❖ Answer any questions or concerns the family has in preparation for birth

On Call

I will be on call for your birth beginning at week 38 of pregnancy. During the on-call period, I will be available for you 24 hrs. via phone call, video, or text. The baby may decide to come during the nighttime, and I will be ready and available to support your family. If you go into labor outside of this time frame, I will do everything possible to be available for you and your family. As soon as you feel any sign of labor you must contact me as soon as possible. I would like to encourage you to inform me of your meetings with your care provider. This will allow us the opportunity to discuss any appointments and any concerns that may arise for you. We must keep in contact with one another and communicate in the best way possible.

In Labor

When you think labor has begun, you must contact me as soon as possible, even if you are not sure. The more notice I have, the better prepared I can be. Once you confirm that you are in labor, we will plan to check in with one another every hour, or as often as you prefer, by phone. It is up to you to decide at what point in your labor you want me to come and be with you. Once you make that choice, barring any unforeseen circumstances (traffic, emergencies, etc.), I will be there within 30min-45min (depending on my location and time to your location). During my time with you, I will provide the following;

  • ❖ Provide continuous support

  • ❖ Relaxation techniques to ensure concentration and grounding

  • ❖ Relaxation activities to minimize discomfort

  • ❖ Position options to support the descent of the baby and the mom’s comfort

  • ❖ Provide information and resources when needed

  • ❖ Provide partner with support

  • ❖ Provide partner with breaks if they need to step away for any reason

  • ❖ Feed you and your partner snacks and water when needed

After Birth

I will remain with the family for a few hours after birth or until you are comfortable, and your newly born family is ready for quiet time together. I will provide a belly binding as soon as possible postpartumly. Every situation and birth is different, and my duties will vary depending on your needs.

Postpartum Visit

My services include 1 to 2 - postpartum visits within 5-10 days after the birth. During the visit, I will provide a postpartum drink of choice, a belly bind, baby care tips, referrals to community resources, and time to discuss your birth experience. Your postpartum visit will be a 2-hour visit and will adapt to your family’s needs. If the family needs additional postpartum visits, they will be booked individually and separately from this contract.

As a Doula, I DO NOT

  • ❖ Guarantee any outcome of your birth or postpartum experience. (I am not responsible for any medical outcome of your birth or postpartum experience.)

  • ❖ Perform clinical tasks, such as taking blood pressure, fetal heart check, or vaginal exams.

  • ❖ Make decisions for you.

  • ❖ Deliver the baby.

  • ❖ I am not a trained medical professional.

Failure to Provide Services

❖ First payments of services are non-refundable since I will be providing support before your birthing ceremony.

❖ Full payment for services is required if:

  • You fail to contact me when labor begins

  • You decide against a doula after 37 weeks.

  • If COVID protocols do not allow me into the hospital. (In-person or virtual support is available)

  • If you have a vaginal birth or cesarean birth.

❖ Second payment will not be required:

  • If you choose to cancel services before 37 weeks

  • If I am not able to attend your birth due to personal reasons or emergencies

Any additional services not mentioned above will be charged individually and separately from this contract. Payment will be received during our contract signing and/or schedule out to meet your family’s needs. The first $500 are non- refundable.

Book Consultation

Thank you for your consideration.


Birth Doula Availability


Postpartum Doula Services